Monday, October 1, 2012

Beginning Again...again.

I'm the world's worst blogger...I don't know why I even try. But I WANT to be good at it, & I think it's that desire that keeps me coming back....time after time. I discovered a post on another blog about getting back to the basics of blogging. When I was a senior in high school, I started a blog that was and is still very dear to me. I just wrote to vent or to celebrate or sometimes even just because I was bored & consequently, I left a part of me there in that little online nook. I'm going to try to get back to that simpleness....

Day One: Real Life

So, today I woke up in the best was supposed to be my 3rd favorite day at school, the day we start learning the alphabet! :) I had a whole day of fun letter "A" things planned for my little sweet 'ums. What's that saying about "even the best made plans..."? As I was dressing J for the day, my phone rang. It was my boss saying she had called like a bazillion subs & couldn't find one for the toddler room....soooo, Mrs. Shea had 13, yes THIRTEEN, crazies today! All alone except for one sweet high school girls that tried to help out during their class periods. I'm used to having 8 potty trained, big chair sitting, (mostly) rule-following, 3 & 4 year olds. Today I also had 5 18-2 1/2 year olds. The difference of maturity & independence is mind-blowing! Needless to say, I'm one tired momma tonight!
 J& I both crashed the minute we got home from school! Evidently , hearing mommy yelling in the class next door wears a little girl out! :)

Tonight I Cooked spaghetti & for the first time we ALL THREE sat at the table at the same time & ate the same meal! We should be punished for letting a year pass before getting our act together, but we are always just SO busy! J and I also made a fruit pizza while Daddy was at fire practice. The whole meal was lovely! Very "Leave it to Beaver"...

Now, baby J is tucked sweetly into bed, I'm curled up on the couch with a glass of red wine, about to dive into the next chapter of Wuthering Heights, & B is watching  football & tracking fantasy points. :)  Isn 't life swell?

Already looking forward to tomorrow & cashing my rain check on the alphabet kickoff!!! Goodnight!


Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year, New Me...hopefully!

Happy New Year!! This year, I have more than just one resolution...I actually have more like 50! Haha! I'm going to make a list of them (mostly so I don't forget them in about a month!)

2012 Resolutions:
- the most common...lose weight! But I'm serious about it! It's time to get this extra "baby weight" GONE!!! I'm hoping to lose about 30 pounds...I have saved $200 of my Christmas money that I plan to use shopping for new "skinny clothes" as a reward to myself :)
- Eat healthy (that kinda goes with the losing weight resolution)...I really want to cook about 3 or 4 times a week, that's my goal, anyway ;)
- Take showers at night (I know this might seem weird to most, but I really want to have more time to spend with Jentry (and my coffee!) in the mornings)
- Stop drinking cokes...we'll see how this goes.
- Try to clean my house at least once a week
- Try not to go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink
- Hang up the laundry as SOON as I get it out of the dryer!
- Stay organized
- Use coupons when grocery shopping
- Be a better Blogger!!!

I've always heard that you technically have until the first weekend of the new year to finish making your resolutions, so I'll post more as the week goes on. Then, I'll TRY to give weekly updates about how my progress is going. Goodnight!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Emotional Rollercoaster!!

  So, here we are...only one week to go! We went to Dr. Owen on Thursday & I haven't progressed much, so she got us all set to be at the hospital next Sunday to get started on "Cervidil". She told us to call the hospital at about 6pm & make sure they have a room, then hopefully be admitted around 7pm. I can't even express what I'm feeling right now...I can't speak for Brady, but I'm pretty sure he would agree that the emotions are overwhelming! I go from ecstatic to nervous, anxious to hesitant, and joyous to bittersweet. I am SO ready to meet this sweet little girl, but at the same time, I can't help but have a twinge of sadness that our lives will never be the same...
  Brady and I just celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary & I feel so blessed that we had that time to grow together. Yes, we did spend the better part of 2 years praying for Miss Jentry, but we also lived every moment to the fullest. I am so happy that we got 3 years of precious "alone" time! We know several people that never really got that privlege. I know that there will be many more fun times in our future...we just have to remember that marriage takes THREE! And to thank God everyday for each other and all of our sweet blessings! :)
  Now, back to the "one week left" issue...we have got a LONG list of "to-dos"!!! Just little things, but still, they all add up! Thankfully, my mom & Sharla have offered to come and clean our house for me! Izzy, is getting groomed on Tuesday, so that is one more thing to check of the list, too! haha! Also, the nursery is FINISHED!! Glad that it ONLY took 5 months to complete, LOL!! Good thing we got an early start on it...I will try to post pictures & maybe even a video on Monday or Tuesday.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Picture Perfect

Last night, Brady's sister, Jynna, took some priceless maternity pictures for us. It was not only a successful trip, but also a memorable one! We had lots of laughs! One entertaining moment: my feet were too swollen for my boots! My foot would NOT go in & I was left hobbling around :) They ALL turned out great but here are my "Top Ten"...

I just LOVE them! And I can't wait for Jentry to get here so we can take some family pictures!

Showered with Love

  I am so behind (once again!) on posting! These past 5 weeks have FLOWN by! I am still feeling great & only get a little uncomfortable at night these days....I'm starting to feel like there is NO more room left in my abdomen! haha! My feet & hands have also started to swell (had a mild panic filled moment when I couldn't get my wedding ring off after maternity pics!).

  This past weekend was Tahoka baby shower and oh my!!! We are so blessed to have such great friends and family! There was seriously a MOUNTAIN of gifts for Jentry! The hostesses did such a good job of decorating everything, it was perfect! Here are some pictures...
 Cute table & cake!
 Quilt to match the bedding :)
 Gorgeous pillow from sweet Retha!
 Baby UGGS! Too cute!!
 Jentry is set for quite a while!
 Pink John Deere wagon full of goodies!
Beautiful pillow & blanket from Miss Sherry :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sweet Baby Girl

On Monday, I had my first "2 week" visit with Dr. Owen. When she first walked in, she asked, "Are you having good fetal movement?" My answer was, "Yes! She moves around CONSTANTLY!" As she was moving the fetal heart monitor wand around my now quite round belly, Jentry gave one of her biggest kicks yet! It literally made that wand fly off! Dr. Owen responded, "Yeah, I think you are good on fetal movement!" Haha! We also talked about being induced vs. going into labor naturally...Brady and I had been thinking about this for some time now. We decided that since Brady is out of his office almost daily, and sometimes does not have phone service, that induction would be the best. Dr. Owen also said that since her husband is a doctor as well and that they have 2 young daughters, if it wasn't scheduled, she couldn't promise to be there. THAT definitely made up my mind! I have too much anxiety over labor already, no need to tack on the worry of MY doctor not being there! :) So, (if I don't go into labor before) I will be induced on August 22nd! That is only about 8 weeks away! We are SO ready to meet our baby girl!
Later that day, we went to Dr. Hales' office for our last sonogram, it was kind of bitersweet, we were sad to know that we won't get to see Jentry again for 8 weeks, but at the same time elated that the next time we see her will be in person! She cooperated very well during the ultrasound...we got some awesome pictures of her sweet little face! She weighed in at about 3 lbs. & they said her birth weight woud most likely be 6 1/2 to 7 lbs. Everything still looked normal...her heart, brain, & organs seem to be perfect! Here are some of the pictures!
Chewing on her fingers

This time she looked more like her handsome daddy!

So precious!

Love those chubby little cheeks!

I have also gotten a few more things done in the is almost complete! I will be posting some pictures in a couple of weeks when it is totally done.Last weekend my mom, Merrritt, & I went to The Peddler Show in Lubbock. We found some CUTE baby stuff! I got a brown and pink sign for Jentry's room that says, "You are wonderfully made...Psalms 149:13" I also, got her some bows, of course! I couldn't pass up the chance! My mom got her a super cute little dress that is black with a "bling" pawprint on the front. Since it is neutral I can pair it with red or blue, for her to wear to New Home or Tahoka games. :)

One last exciting thing...we got the carseat in! Brady's grandparents bought it for us and it came in this week. I LOVE the print! Brady and I got it all secured in the car and drove around town for a little didn't fall over, so I guess we put it in correctly! haha! But due to all the dang dirt that has been littering the air lately, we took it out and put it in the house for now,...don't want it to get dusty! :)
Can't wait to see little missy in it!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Make room for Jentry!

Geez! I can't believe it's already been a whole month since my last post! It seems like time is just flying by. At this point in the game, we have all of the furniture in Jentry's room! Yay! My Gran also got all of the bedding made, so we had a "set up party" with my mom, sisters, Gran, Brady's mom, sister, & Nana. It was alot of standing around talking, really! haha. It was such a relief to get all of the furniture & bedding in. I have had this fear all along that she might make her debut earlier than expected & that we wouldn't be ready. Luckily, our families have humored my craziness and helped to calm my fears. Here are a few of the pictures!

So, today marks the 7 month point in my pregnancy. It is all starting to become much more real, very FAST! I am starting to get a little nervous about the actual "labor process". It is something that has always scared me, but I know that the reward will be way worth it! We have our last monthly doctor's visit this Thursday...then start the 2 week visits. I just can't get over how fast it is all going by! Thankfully, I am now out of school for the summer, so I'm just getting to relax & nest. :) We also have our last sonogram in a couple of weeks...I am so anxious to see her again! She is definitely a mover & a shaker! The other night she was kicking so hard that my stomach was just bouncing! haha!